Favorite Quote

“Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs.” Allie Condie says this in her book Matched. The character Ky states this.

The book matched is set in the future and is science fiction book. The conflict in the story is that each year they have Matched banquet it’s for people of age to go and get there husband or will be husbands that society picks out, but the main charter gets matched with 2 people. One of who has never been consider a equal because of a act of rebelling that his father did his name was Ky. The society somehow put his name in though and the girl then ended up with two matches by accident.

Ky learned things from his mother and father before they brought him into community about true love, and identity. The quote comes from him saying that when when you spend time with someone it give them part of your life since they spend it with and learn about you. Ky was so carful not to give the girl everything because then she would have part of his life, and would be able to hurt home if she wanted.

I like this quote because it’s short but powerful. It shows how important spending time with someone is and in a way you are giving them part of your life.

One thought on “Favorite Quote

  1. I’ve wondered about the plot of this popular book. Thanks for the insight!

    It’s interesting to think of this quote in the context of marriage.

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