The time I fell off the Monkey Bars

I thought I would never stop crying that afternoon when it happened. There was a loud yelp when my face slammed into the ground. When I fell face showed confusion for a split second wondering what just happened…Then the tears from my eyes just started coming as if it suddenly started to rain. There was so much commotion when it happened. One minute everyone was playing and the next they were crowding me to see if I was alright.

My friend Grace Hood and I were playing on the monkey bar showing off trying to see who could do more flip and turns, when it happened I took a great big flip and lost grip of the bars. The gravity pulled me to the ground with a loud thump onto my face. There I was laying there dumfounded with the metal monkey bars above me and the teachers on duty, and all my friends huddling around me with there worried faces. I knew the question they held inside them that they were trying to hold in. Are you ok? While the tears poured out of my eyes with an annoyingly loud whimper coming out of my mouth; over powering the almost silent questions from my friends. while I thought to my self what just happened? When I tasted the blood in my mouth and suddenly I could answer my own question; I just fell off and knock my 2 front teeth out. Even though I felt scared and was in great pain I still felt brave for getting up and going to the nurse.

I will never forget the time I fell off those monkey bars and how frightened and scared I was from the event. That was along time ago all the way back in kinder garden but to this day it is still the most painful thing that has ever happened to me. Going through that it thought me how much people do care about your safety.

The Time I Fell Off the Monkey Bars

Bang I fell to the ground with a loud thump onto my face. Suddenly the tears poured out of my eye, while my friends rush over to ask if I’m ok. Ouch I lied there with monkey bars a above me morning with pain. Laying there I thought to my self, what just happened? When I tasted the blood in my mouth and suddenly I could answer my own question, I just fell off the bar and knocked my 2 front teeth out.

First Day Of Camp

First day of camp
Into the crowd,of anxious summer staff,
Sprinting over to the trampolines,
At the Gaga Pit before the ball,
Towards the door,
One steep closer to the dinner hall,
On the path to the dinner hall,
To the Pavilion,
For small group chat,
Down to the cabins,
For a good night sleep.
Go have fun
